Plant Bee friendly flowers
Scout for fire ants & treat as needed
Power wash your deck and patio furniture
Replace your air conditioner filter
Clean between your windows and screens
Try a new fun summer cocktail (and send me the recipe)
Clean your grill grates
Prepare a summer "go bag" for last minute pool parties
*have your summer necessities ready to grab and go!
Set up your irrigation schedule for lawn & foundation
Cut back overgrown vegetation from walls & fences
Inspect your exterior for loose or rotted siding
Have a roof inspection to check for spring storm damage

12 Home Projects to Show Your House Some Summer Love


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It tastes nothing like beer and EXACELY like Summer!

Summer Beer

My Favorite Recipe for lake days

In a pitcher combine:
12oz Bottle of your favorite beer
1 can frozen limeade concentrate
1 can Sprite (or similar soda)
1 limeade can full of rum or vodka

These go down smooth so be sure to stop if you can't feel your face!                      
                      ~ Cheers