Sunday: Cycle 31 minute – 6.01 miles my pace increased again slightly up to 11.7 MPH not super fast but an improvement from last weeks 11.4 MPH. It was only 84 but the humidity was higher than normal today. Played a round of golf in the afternoon with the hubby over at Turtle Hill and realized how sore my muscles were from the past week’s training.
Monday: Rest day – foam rolling & lots of stretching . Today’s recovery was much needed. Riding in the golf cart yesterday made me realize that I need a more comfortable bike saddle if I’m going to keep adding miles to my rides. I found myself constantly shifting from side to side in the seat to avoid sore sit bones .
Tuesday: Bike 40 minutes – 8.27 miles. Between taking a rest day yesterday and changing peddle stroke to engage my glutes and hamstrings more rather than from the toes as I had been riding, I increased my pace again by almost 1 MPH! 12.3 MPH today despite dropping my water bottle and having to retrieve it, and one amazing forced dismount when I nearly laid my bike down on the gravel taking a turn too fast. I landed on my feet and my handle bars never his the ground – I’m sporty graceful like that.
Wednesday: Run 20 minutes, & strength training – I made a mistake today and deviated from my normal pre-work out Toast with peanut butter. I had oatmeal with fruit & peanut butter, as it would turn out, this was NOT the right choice. The humidity was 95% (typically about 35%) and ALL the smells of country life were in the air, that combined with my breakfast of choice did not mesh well with my run and two minutes in I had to walk for about a 1:30 or I was going to be sick. I was able to return to a running pace after that but it really screwed up my time. Just 1.86 miles today.
Thursday: Bike 30 Min, Run 1 0 minutes – I wasn’t feeling it when I got up today but actually ended up having one of my better training days. Biked 32 minutes at 12.7 MPH, Ran 10 minutes 1.03 miles got my mile in at 9.52. I’m still slower than most I know, but I’m improving my pace a little at a time and I’m only out to compete against myself (to be better than I was yesterday).
Friday: Rest Day – I have to force myself to take rest days. I LOVE working out and once I start it becomes an addiction. I fell like I don’t know what to do on a rest day. The Frank & Chili don’t seem to mind though because they get an extra long walk or two out of the deal.
Saturday: Goal 50 minute Cycling – ended up doing 57 because I didn’t time my turnaround point quite right and also did not account for the strong head wind on the way back slowing me down. My pace was great until the last few miles where I felt like I was barely moving but peddling my legs off (did I mention the wind?). I fluctuated between 10 & 13 mph with an overall pace of 12MPH for my 11.4 miles today.
Peace out 47! Today marked another trip around the sun for me. I can actually say that I am stronger & healthier than I was in my 20’s. Back then, I did plenty of strength training but I hated cardio. Running – nope wouldn’t even try it, cycling… Dude, I had zero coordination back then. I would fall over on a bike if I had to stop on an uneven surface – it was like watching a circus act. Now I ride technical bike trails, climb mountains, Run 5ks (hoping to add a 10K soon), and train for bigger goals like a Triathlon. I wish I had started doing these things so much earlier in life. Don’t wait until your 40’s to start trying new things! I’m amazed everyday by what my body can accomplish and wonder what I would have been capable of if I’d started living life to the fullest 20 years ago.
Until next week ~ Cheers friends.
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