Have you ever splurged on something from Studio McGee’s line at Target then regretted it?
Me neither
But buyer’s remorse is a very real thing. Just ask the 64% of millennials who bought a home last year. According to a 2021 survey by Bankrate and YouGov, many millennials bought homes last year then regretted it.
The number one reason? .
This is one of the main things I talk to my clients about when I’m first setting up their home search. I encourage them to look UNDER budget so that they don’t stretch themselves too thin.
$200,000 ‘ . In fact, I encourage my buyers to start looking several thousand dollars below budget to begin.
Why? Because I know (from Personal experience) buyer’s remorse is real. And I know the best way to avoid it is to stay under budget as much as possible (while still getting most everything on your list of must-haves).
My goal isn’t just a happy client on closing day – I aim for my clients to be happy with their purchase years later, too. And it all starts with honoring your budget.
Don’t live life to support your home; your home should support the way you want to live your life. ✨
Cheers to making good choices!
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