I get lots of questions from buyers. Things like:
❓Can you show me this house?
❓Can you ask the listing agent for the age of the roof?
❓How much would my home sell for?
❓Can you find out why the homeowners are selling?
❓How much are the property and utility bills for this home?
But my favorites are questions like these:
❓Can I bring my dog, iguana, cousin, former high school teacher with me to the showing?
❓Who is Jack and who is Jill?
❓Does the carpet, deck, cabinets come with the house?
❓Can you find out what the neighbors are like?
❓Any chance this house is haunted? ( I actually get this one a LOT)
The truth is there really is no such thing as a stupid question—if it pops into your head, I’ll do whatever it takes to answer and put you at ease. Go on, be bold buyers & Sellers, ask away!
I have a couple of great guides for Home Buyers or Home Sellers You can download your free copy by choosing either link above. These guides walk you through the process step by step so that you can buy or sell with confidence!
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