Step 1: Simplify Décor
I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep clutter out of your home, even in the form of decor! This is why I tell my seller’s scale back on the number of things in their homes before picture day. Keep it simple!
Step 2: Upgrade Linens
A great vacation rental never skimps on quality sheets, throws, or towels. A good rule of thumb when picking out linens is this: keep your towels soft, your sheets crisp, and your throws heavy!
Step 3: Outdoor Space
Define your outdoor space. It doesn’t need to be huge or fancy, but simply having a defined sitting area outdoors will draw you outside more often! It can be as simple as a hammock, or as much as an outdoor table and rug with a few chairs. Check out these ideas for designing your outdoor space on a budget From HGTV
BONUS if you find chairs that swing, or just go all in and set up a porch swing to begin with! The swinging motion will be so relaxing you’ll never want to go back in!
Cheers to Vacation Vibes in your home!
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