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How To Explain Moving To Your Kids

May 17, 2022

Whether moving just across town in Gainesville, or moving to a whole new state, the concept of what moving really means can be difficult for kids to grasp. As if wrapping your own head around packing up your life and settling into a new place isn’t stressful enough, have you ever thought about what it […]

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Whether moving just across town in Gainesville, or moving to a whole new state, the concept of what moving really means can be difficult for kids to grasp.

As if wrapping your own head around packing up your life and settling into a new place isn’t stressful enough, have you ever thought about what it feels like for kids?

I have helped many families move over the years, and I hear the same things over and over again. So I put together a little list of things you’ll want to be sure you explain to your kids before you move to ease their fears and even get them excited for the day that big truck pulls into your drive!

-They aren’t leaving their toys behind! They will all be at the new house.

-Their favorite lovey and blanket will be there too!

-They will have a room at their new house that they’ll love.

-If they’re moving schools, reassure them they will have teachers that look out for them and that they’ll make new friends (some schools have a “First Friends” program so ask the guidance counselor if they offer that), If they’re not moving schools, remind them that won’t change!

-Show them pictures of the new house often.

-If you’re moving to a new town, look up places around town they’ll look forward to checking out. (parks, libraries, shopping locations, rec centers, etc) – I can give you recommendations too!

-Get contact info of friends your kids hope to stay in contact with after they move.

-Most of all, allow them to feel what they feel, whatever it is. They don’t have to be excited. They’re allowed to feel sad. Whatever they’re feeling, reassure them it’s ok and that you’re there for them. Remind them you’re a family and as a family, you get through everything TOGETHER. They need to know you’re committed to helping them navigate this new territory.

Have you moved with kids before? What advice would you add to this list?

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