By-passing obstacles that could derail a sale can be smidge harder than getting offers. Sellers these days need to watch out for obstacles like:
⛔Buyer financing falling through.
⛔Appraisal discrepancies.
⛔Stalled home inspection negotiations.
⛔Title issues.
⛔Unmet contingencies.
⛔Last-minute buyer remorse.
Hurdle these hiccups with room to spare by ⭐disclosing problems with your home upfront & ⭐carefully assessing a buyer’s ability to afford your home financially.
⭐Your best bet is to link arms with a qualified agent who can guide you in each step. In the meantime, take these tips to heart:
⭐Don’t let emotions cloud your decision-making when the offer(s) comes rolling in. Instead, take your time to evaluate the pros and cons of every offer on the table.
⭐If the buyer is paying cash, request validation that they have sufficient funds. ⭐If your buyer is financing, ask to see a pre-approval letter. Even better, ask the buyer’s permission to let your agent speak with the lender about the approval.
⭐Once you accept an offer, ask your agent to create a timeline listing the important transaction dates. Share it with your buyers to ensure they agree.
⭐Pick an agent that regularly touches base to keep things on track and prevent surprises close to closing.
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